1.學務組相關法規之擬訂及修正 。Establishment and revision of related regulations |
2.擬訂學生獎懲辦法及有關業務之處理。Reward and punishment guidelines |
3.擬訂學生請假規則。Regulations for leave-taking |
4.校園安定與學生安全之維護。Campus and students safety |
5.學生偶發及車禍事件之處理。Handling students accidents |
6.上下學,校門口交通安全、學生進出之安全維護。Traffic control on school gate |
7.班級幹部之輔導。 學生服儀之督導與執行。Cadre counseling; supervision of their manner |
8.學生旅遊活動之輔導及辦法修訂。Travel counseling and guidelines |
9.學生團體參加校外活動之輔導及校外協調聯繫。Off campus activities counseling and coordination |
10.新生導航研習營之策劃輔導。Planning and counseling of Freshman Camps |
11.各班幹部訓練營之辦理。Cadre training camps |
12.辦理開學典禮。School opening ceremony |
13.辦理授帶及畢業典禮。Hooding and graduation ceremony |
14.畢聯會之籌組策劃及各項活動之輔導。Counseling of organizing association of graduates and various activities |
15.學生會之籌組策劃及各項活動之輔導。Counseling of organizing student council and various activities |
16.策劃各項週會活動及輔導。Counseling of organizing weekly activities |
17.辦理校慶園遊會進修部攤位之設計規劃。Designing stands for charity bazaar |
18.各種集會活動之秩序維持。Maintaining orders of various activities |
19.處理校外鄰居反應之學生汽機車違規停放。Handling improper parking of vehicles |
20.各班導師編排作業。Supervisor arrangement |
1.勤缺之登記、結算與統計。Registration, records and statistics of presence/absence |
2.召開獎懲委員會並做記錄。Hold meetings of Reward and Punishment Committee and keep minutes |
3.處理學生拾獲物品。Handling lost and found objects |
4.各類減免學雜費之申請與辦理。Application and implementation of tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption |
5.新生導航研習營手冊之整理。Print out the manual of Freshman Camp |
6.協助辦理各班班級幹部訓練。Assisting cadre trainings |
7.協辦開學典禮。Assisting school opening ceremony |
8.辦理學生兵役業務。Military service operation |
9.辦理週會及各種集會之座位安排。Seats arrangement for activities |
10.導師會議之召開與會議記錄。Hold meetings of tutors and keep minutes |
11.出席校外機關學校主辦之有關會議。Participate in meetings held off campus |
12.進修部網頁維護。Website maintenance |
13.校內外獎助學金之申請與辦理。Application and implementation of scholarships on/off campus |
14.進修部學生弱勢助學金之辦理。Implementation of scholarships for underprivileged students and management of service hours |
15.班會記錄之統計並處理建議事項回覆事宜。Statistics of class meetings and suggestions |
1.辦理學生團體平安保險業務。Operation for student accident insurance |
2.辦理進修部特殊疾病學生追蹤輔導與紀錄。Counseling and records of students in specific health states |
3.急救箱、輪椅、柺杖及衛生器材之借用相關事項。Provision of first-aid kit, wheelchair, stick and medical instruments |
4.接洽安排捐血活動。Blood donation activities |
5.衛生保健組財產設備之申購、管理及維護工作。Calculating, management and maintenance of properties and equipments. |
6.辦理傳染病防治、健康諮詢及配合校園活動救護。Infectious disease prevention, health counseling and emergency aid trainings |
7.辦理進修部新生及轉學生健康檢查異常個案轉介與追蹤、缺點矯正。Referral, follow-up and correction of abnormal health states |
8.校園緊急傷病之處理與轉診。On campus emergency treatment and referral. |