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待聘 學務組組員


  • 辦公室進修部
  • 聯絡電話07-3426031分機3122
1.勤缺之登記、結算與統計。Registration, records and statistics of presence/absence
2.召開獎懲委員會並做記錄。Hold meetings of Reward and Punishment Committee and keep minutes
3.處理學生拾獲物品。Handling lost and found objects
4.各類減免學雜費之申請與辦理。Application and implementation of tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption
5.新生導航研習營手冊之整理。Print out the manual of Freshman Camp
6.協助辦理各班班級幹部訓練。Assisting cadre trainings
7.協辦開學典禮。Assisting school opening ceremony
8.辦理學生兵役業務。Military service operation
9.辦理週會及各種集會之座位安排。Seats arrangement for activities
10.導師會議之召開與會議記錄。Hold meetings of tutors and keep minutes
11.出席校外機關學校主辦之有關會議。Participate in meetings held off campus
12.進修部網頁維護。Website maintenance
13.校內外獎助學金之申請與辦理。Application and implementation of scholarships on/off campus
14.進修部學生弱勢助學金之辦理。Implementation of scholarships for underprivileged students and management of service hours
15.班會記錄之統計並處理建議事項回覆事宜。Statistics of class meetings and suggestions