張秀吟 護理師
- 辦公室衛保組
- 聯絡電話07-3426031轉2245 / 聯絡信箱:sa3002@mail.wzu.edu.tw
- 聯絡信箱sa3002@mail.wzu.edu.tw
1.辦理學生團體平安保險業務。Operation for student accident insurance |
2.辦理進修部特殊疾病學生追蹤輔導與紀錄。Counseling and records of students in specific health states |
3.急救箱、輪椅、柺杖及衛生器材之借用相關事項。Provision of first-aid kit, wheelchair, stick and medical instruments |
4.接洽安排捐血活動。Blood donation activities |
5.衛生保健組財產設備之申購、管理及維護工作。Calculating, management and maintenance of properties and equipments. |
6.辦理傳染病防治、健康諮詢及配合校園活動救護。Infectious disease prevention, health counseling and emergency aid trainings |
7.辦理進修部新生及轉學生健康檢查異常個案轉介與追蹤、缺點矯正。Referral, follow-up and correction of abnormal health states |
8.校園緊急傷病之處理與轉診。On campus emergency treatment and referral. |