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蕭龍生 學務組長


  • 辦公室進修部辦公室
  • 聯絡電話07-3426031轉3121
1.學務組相關法規之擬訂及修正 。Establishment and revision of related regulations
2.擬訂學生獎懲辦法及有關業務之處理。Reward and punishment guidelines
3.擬訂學生請假規則。Regulations for leave-taking
4.校園安定與學生安全之維護。Campus and students safety
5.學生偶發及車禍事件之處理。Handling students accidents
6.上下學,校門口交通安全、學生進出之安全維護。Traffic control on school gate
7.班級幹部之輔導。 學生服儀之督導與執行。Cadre counseling; supervision of their manner
8.學生旅遊活動之輔導及辦法修訂。Travel counseling and guidelines
9.學生團體參加校外活動之輔導及校外協調聯繫。Off campus activities counseling and coordination
10.新生導航研習營之策劃輔導。Planning and counseling of Freshman Camps
11.各班幹部訓練營之辦理。Cadre training camps
12.辦理開學典禮。School opening ceremony
13.辦理授帶及畢業典禮。Hooding and graduation ceremony
14.畢聯會之籌組策劃及各項活動之輔導。Counseling of organizing association of graduates and various activities
15.學生會之籌組策劃及各項活動之輔導。Counseling of organizing student council and various activities
16.策劃各項週會活動及輔導。Counseling of organizing weekly activities
17.辦理校慶園遊會進修部攤位之設計規劃。Designing stands for charity bazaar
18.各種集會活動之秩序維持。Maintaining orders of various activities
19.處理校外鄰居反應之學生汽機車違規停放。Handling improper parking of vehicles
20.各班導師編排作業。Supervisor arrangement