待聘 總務組組員
- 辦公室進修部
- 聯絡電話07-3426031分機3131
01.進修部視聽教室及一般教室設備管理(含詠穌堂夜間關門)。(含協助教師設備操作問題排除)Facility management of audio-visual classrooms and ordinary classrooms (including closing the door of Chapel in Praise of Jesus); helping teachers to operate equipment |
02.進修部週會活動場地管理。Location management of weekly activities |
03.進修部學生汽機車停車證管理。Management of parking permits |
04.進修部學生緩繳學費之辦理。Postpone payment of tuition |
05.進修部學務經費之辦理。Budget management |
06.進修部學生就學貸款之辦理。Student loans implementation |
07.進修部學生運動卡之辦理。Sport cards implementation |
08.進修部學生加選學分費之補收。Payment of credit fees for additional selection |
09.進修部學生申請學費證明單之辦理。Application for tuition payment certification |
10.提供視聽器材及粉筆白板筆外借教學使用。Provision of audio-visual equipment, chalks and whiteboard markers |
11.進修部週報之彙整及公告。Weekly reports and announcement |
12.工讀生之管理及請款。Management and payroll of student workers
13.進修部學士服管理。Management of baccalaureate gown |